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Funeral Planning

Programs that provide information about making arrangements to plan and pay for a funeral service and related expenses.

Dignity Memorial for Veterans

Parklawn-Wood Funeral Home
2551 N Armistead Avenue, Hampton, VA, 23666
Main: (757) 827-4670

Funeral Planning Services

Peninsula Memorial Park
12750 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA, 23606
Main: (757) 930-1197 Fax: (757) 930-3370

Funeral Home & Crematory, Stuarts Draft

Reynolds Hamrick Funeral Home and Crematory
1870 Stuarts Draft Hwy, Stuarts Draft, VA, 24477
Main: (540) 337-4111 Fax: (540) 886-7286

Funeral Home and Crematory, Staunton

Reynolds Hamrick Funeral Home and Crematory
18 West Frederick Street, Staunton, VA, 24401
Main: (540) 886-2363 Fax: (540) 886-7286

Funeral Home and Crematory, Waynesboro

Reynolds Hamrick Funeral Home and Crematory
618 West Main Street, Waynesboro, VA, 22980
Main: (540) 949-8383 Fax: (540) 886-7286

Funeral Home

Tharp Funeral Home
320 North Bridge Street, Bedford, VA, 24523
Main: (540) 586-3443 Toll Free: (800) 476-3443 Fax: (540) 586-9434

Burial Arrangements, Cremation

Tri-Cities Funeral Home & Memory Gardens
PO Box 6 -- 2630 Hwy 75, Blountville, VA, 37617
Main: (423) 323-5167 Fax: (423) 323-7439

Final Expense Life Insurance, Fredericksburg

Virginia Senior Benefits and Family Care
43 Montgomery Drive, Stafford, VA, 22556
Main: (540) 226-8715

Funeral Planning Services

Woody Funeral Home
1771 North Parham Road, Richmond, VA, 23229
Main: (804) 288-3013

Statewide and Nationwide

Funeral Planning

Programs that provide information about making arrangements to plan and pay for a funeral service and related expenses.

Funeral Planning

Blue Ridge Agents Insurance
141 West Boscawen Street, Winchester, VA, 22601
Main: (540) 431-4373

Veterans Cemetery

Southwest Virginia Veterans Cemetery
5550 Bagging Plant Road, Dublin, VA, 24884
Main: (540) 674-6893 Fax: (804) 786-0302

FEMA COVID Funeral Assistance

U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
500 C Street SW, Washington, VA, 20472
Main: (844) 684-6333

Funeral Planning Services

Virginia Board of Funeral Directors & Embalmers
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Perimeter Center, Henrico, VA, 23233
Main: (804) 367-4479 Toll Free: (800) 533-1560 Fax: (804) 527-4413

Funeral Service Referral

Virginia Funeral Directors Association
9960 Mayland Dirve, Suite 300, Henrico, VA, 23233
Main: (804) 367-4479 Fax: (804) 264-3260

Final Expense Life Insurance

Virginia Senior Benefits and Family Care
43 Montgomery Drive, Stafford, VA, 22556
Main: (540) 226-8715

End of Life Planning

Virginia State Anatomical Program
400 E Jackson Street, MCV Campus, VCU, Richmond, VA, 23219
Main: (804) 786-3174 Fax: (804) 371-8595