Wellness and Alternative Health
Programs that promote a healthy state of well being including health education, exercise, diet, medical care and alternative therapies.
Mindfulness, Meditation
Recovery Plan: Eating Disorders, Drug Addiction, Sexual Assault
Wellness Education, Consultations and Presentations
Wellness Center
Yoga | Arlington
Yoga | Bethesda
Yoga | Woodley Park
Wellness Classes and Fitness Services
Health Education Classes and Screenings
Massage Therapy
Mosby Resource Center
Health and Wellness, Developmental Disabilities
Wellness Center
Health and Wellness Coaching
Social Services at YMCA
Stress Management Class
Valley Health Wellness & Fitness Center
Health and Wellness Programs
Yoga Classes
Youth Residential Treatment Facility
Programs that provide a therapeutic living environment in a community-based facility for emotionally disturbed, severely learning disabled, delinquent, pre-delinquent and/or abused children and youth who, because of the severity of their problems, are unable to adjust to other placements but do not require inpatient psychiatric hospitalization.
Residential Youth Supportive Services
Crossroads Youth, Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Supervised Independent Living Services, Adolescents
Residential Treatment for Youth
Behavioral Programs for Girls, Residential Care
Children's Services
Local, Statewide and Nationwide
Wellness and Alternative Health
Programs that promote a healthy state of well being including health education, exercise, diet, medical care and alternative therapies.
Meditation Classes
Statewide and Nationwide
Adult Day Care Centers
Adult Day Care Centers (ADCC) licensed and regulated, provide comprehensive day programs with social and health services for older and disabled adults.