742 Miller Drive SE
MSC # 78
Leesburg, VA 20176
(703) 777-0257
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Loudoun County Area Agency on Agency offers a variety of free support groups for caregivers. Currently, the following are available:
- SHARE for Dementia, Caregiver Series
- Early Stage Dementia Support Group
- Chime In, Early or Moderate Cognitive Impairment
- Early Birds in the Park, People with Dementia and Their Caregivers - monthly walk at Bles Park
- CoffeeChat with Lori
To make an appointment with a SHARE counselor, send an email to aaasupport@loudoun.gov or call 703-777-0257.
To register for the Early State Dementia Virtual Support Group, send an email to aaasupport@loudoun.gov or call 703-737-8741
To participate in Chime in, call 571-233-2583 or send an email to aaasupport@loudoun.gov
To participate in the hike at Bles Park, register in advance by calling 571-258-3232
To sign up for CoffeeChat send an email to aaasupport@loudoun.gov or call 571-233-2583