129 Hershberger Road
Roanoke, VA 24012
(540) 366-1888
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Edinburg Square offers independent living for those applying for an apartment specifically constructed to be accessible to individuals with physical disabilities. Edinburgh Square is a five-story apartment building with 96 units. Edinburgh Greens opened in 1991 with 40 additional apartments.
Apartments are one bedroom with a full kitchen. A community room for group events is onsite as well as lounge areas, laundry facilities on each floor, a resident library, a beauty parlor/barber shop, patios, and a large outdoor gardening area.
Rent is 30% of the household's monthly income. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidizes rent. If you have no income, you can live at Edinburgh Square. Your adjusted income cannot exceed federally established income limits for the Roanoke area.
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